Sunday, April 1, 2007


XML Extensible Markup Langauge :

  • Defien Structure Data in plain text.
  • Markup langauge based in Tags.
  • Subset of SGML.
  • Edite and crated by text editor.
  • Unlike HTML dosn't have fixed sets of tags.
  • Fouccs in data and its structure but HTML focus in presentaion.
  • Not only used for web pages.
  • Unlike HTML ,XML isa case sensetive.
  • Universal Data Exchange Format HOW?

Separation of Content and Presentation
With HTML, the actual data and its presentation logic are interleaved. HTML tags do not add any semantic meaning to the data content, but just describe the presentation details. This approach makes it hard to manipulate just the data or just the way it is presented. The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), initiative made an effort to separate data from the presentation.

As XML makes no assumption about how tags might be rendered on the display device browser,
wireless cell phone, PDA, or whatever, but simply provides a means to structure data with tags we define. it is quite natural to use the same XML data document and present it differently on
different devices. This separation of data from presentation also facilitates easy access to the data.

Example Of XML File:

XML-based Languages
Already, many new markup languages based on XML syntax have been created to meet the needs of specific application domains ,some of them:
  • SOAP
  • SMIL
  • SVG
  • XForms
never make somebody your every Thing because !!when they are gone you have got NOTHING !!!